Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fun With Windows 7

A couple of Windows 7 tips.

By default the Shut Down button is set (not unsurprisingly) to Shut Down. If you want to access Restart or Log Off for example, you have to choose it from the dropdown menu. Now this may be OK if you generally only use the button to shut down your computer at the end of the day, but if you regularly log out or restart it then it may make sense to have those functions as the default action. Simple. Right-click the Start button, then select Properties. Under the 'Start Menu' tab you will find Power Button Options. Click on the dropdown menu and choose the function you wish to have assigned to the button instead of Shut Down.

One great feature of Windows 7 is the way you can arrange your windows simply by dragging them around; dragging one off the top of the screen for example will expand it to full size. However this feature may not be for everyone and can become annoying, so wouldn't it be great if you could turn it off? You can. Click on the Start Menu and type 'regedit'. Allow it to run if required, then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. Change the value of WindowArrangementActive to 0 and then restart your computer. The features will now be disabled. You can re-enable them by returning WindowArrangementActive to its original value.

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